Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Chapter 1 (pt IV): Navigating Doubt: Seeking Strength Amid Doubt


Read parts 1, 2 & 3 before you proceed... 
Certainty in Faith is not the absence of doubt but rather the presence of a resilient trust that emerges in the face of uncertainty. It's about finding strength amid doubt, acknowledging the questions without fear, and allowing our Faith to mature through the ebb and flow of belief and uncertainty. The stories of doubt in the Bible, from Thomas's questioning to David's Psalms of lament, remind us that doubt is an integral part of the human experience of Faith.

Let’s close it - Doubt, I realized, was not the antithesis of Faith but rather a companion (what a crazy relationship these two have) - a guide urging me to delve into the depths of my convictions.


My doubts made me question my beliefs, which challenged my Faith but guess what? That made me seek a deeper understanding of my Faith, encouraging me to do introspection, reflecting on my beliefs and values and the reason behind my Faith.


This leads us to a more authentic and personal connection with our spirituality. Continue reading to find out what helped me to fight doubt that almost made me go against my Faith & teachings.

To be Continued...

#NavigatingDoubt #DoubtAndFaith #GrowingInSpirit #EmbraceTheJourney #LifeTimeJourney #FeedYourSpiritOrTheWorldWillFeedYou

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