Plagiarism Policy

Emotional Faith

Last Updated: February 29, 2024

Emotional Faith is committed to maintaining the integrity of its content and upholding the principles of originality and creativity. Plagiarism is a serious violation of these principles and will not be tolerated. This Plagiarism Policy outlines our stance on plagiarism and the consequences for those who engage in such activities.

Definition of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without proper attribution or permission.

Our Expectations:

1. Original Content: Contributors to Emotional Faith are expected to submit original content created by them or properly attributed to the original source.

2. Proper Attribution: If content is derived from external sources, proper credit must be given through accurate citations and references.

3. No Unauthorized Reproduction: Copying and publishing content from Emotional Faith without permission is strictly prohibited.

Consequences of Plagiarism:

1. Content Removal: Any plagiarized content will be promptly removed from Emotional Faith.

2. Account Suspension: Individuals found to be involved in plagiarism may have their accounts suspended or terminated.

3. Legal Action: In severe cases, where plagiarism results in legal consequences, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action.

Reporting Plagiarism:

If you come across any instances of plagiarism on Emotional Faith, please report it promptly to with relevant details and evidence.

Redemption and Education:

Emotional Faith believes in providing individuals with the opportunity to learn from mistakes. If a contributor is found to have unintentionally committed plagiarism, we may offer education and guidance on proper attribution practices.

Review and Modification:

This Plagiarism Policy is subject to periodic review and modification. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on Emotional Faith.

By contributing to Emotional Faith, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to this Plagiarism Policy.

Thank you for respecting the principles of originality and creativity.

Yours in Emotional Faith

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